Saturday, 2 October 2010

We've moved!

'Eat My Drawing' has moved.  Please come over to our new page:

Much more blogging taking place!

Thank you.

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

A little bit of what I've been up to :-)

Sorry they're not all the right way up...I have no idea how to use these computers!
If you want to see the content to these little books I'm going to put it up on my blog so take a look there! Basically I'm trying to make one per place/country Ive been to, depending on the time spent there!

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

NEWS from Hong Kong

I took these images at the Jockey Club Creative Art Centre (shek kip mei) It use to be a Secondary school, but is now an Art centre, in which every single class room has been rented out as an art studio. One year waiting list, so I've signed up for the following year. Regular art exhibitions, ranging from; Ceramics and pottery, Photography, Chinese puppetry, illustration, fine art etc. There also are classes, like Life drawing, jewllery making etc. Some of the work was inspiring, as a lot of the spaces are being rented out to students who have clubbed together, and they spend most of thier evenings there collaborating.
Hope everyone's enjoying their summer!
yolande x

Thursday, 9 July 2009

Recent stuffs

New pages for Rick Ragabash! For the past week been up all hours working on spreads for Templar art director, who wants to see more of mine and Milan's work after a previous email sent to Templar by Chiu on our behalf. Not sure what will come of it yet, but it's keeping me busy so I guess it's all good! Dead tired now though and Photoshop still frustrates me!!
Any feedback appreciated :-)

Hope you're all having fun times xxxxxxx


Hello fellow floundering favourite...fgraduates?! The only f I could think of there might have caused offense XP I don't know if anyone else has been having a brain might just be me...or it might just be the xbox 360 I got fautls >.>...either way I've found this very helpful!

I'm pretty sure I posted this on here before but refreshing doesn't hurt! Its got good ideas for things you can do just to add to your portfolio...! I'll post up the ones I've been doing when they're done...currently drawing the four seasons

Sunday, 5 July 2009

How exciting is this?! I just thought I'd share...

Can't wait 'till this comes out! Spike Jonze is the man!
Apparently it hasn't been rated yet because the first kids who watched it ran out screaming because it was so scary! That sounds good to me.


My fellow ex-L6s! Let's keep this blog going so we can all see what we've been up to, yes? Yes. Anything you like, illustration related or not. What have you been doing with your time since we left? Maybe you've been sitting on your arses doing nothing. Maybe you've been away to a colourful and cultural land. Maybe you've been up to your neck in mud, sunburnt, or lying in bed with swine flu. Or maybe, like me and Jat, you've decided to start a musical/drawing/dancing act on the streets of Derby to fund our extensive drink habit.

In any case, post something! Keep those creative juices flowing.

Lots of love

Naomi xxx

Friday, 20 February 2009

Book Covers

I dont know if anyone is doing the penguin design contest but either way here is a vast collection of book covers!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

An Illustrated life

I recently bought this book: An Illustrated life and it's a really good book, showing the sketch book pages of lots of different illustrators, who use a wide range of media and styles.

It's really inspiring, and makes you want to keep your own sketchbook!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Children's Illustrator website.

A good website for children's Illustrators, different mediums, style, agents, interviews and more.

You can join, but it's about a $200 fee for the year, still interesting to look through.