Friday, 20 February 2009

Book Covers

I dont know if anyone is doing the penguin design contest but either way here is a vast collection of book covers!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

An Illustrated life

I recently bought this book: An Illustrated life and it's a really good book, showing the sketch book pages of lots of different illustrators, who use a wide range of media and styles.

It's really inspiring, and makes you want to keep your own sketchbook!

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Children's Illustrator website.

A good website for children's Illustrators, different mediums, style, agents, interviews and more.

You can join, but it's about a $200 fee for the year, still interesting to look through.

At a loss at what to do between projects?

Check out Dani Draws website:

For inspirational ideas!

Also check out the rest of the site for tutorials and tips and so on.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

watch this!

these lil animations are great..and a bit odd...short nonsensical narratives! (explicit content in parts!)