London was interesting, and hard work!
I love the Illustration cupboard, once I'd found it XD I think I walked past it three times before I found it.
The V&A was good as well, they had this exhibit of the old small oval portraits that reminded me of Debbie's work, and had a small video tutorial on how they were made which was interesting.
I also got chatting to somebody on the tube, he asked what I was doing in London and I told him about the Illustration cupboard and what it was, he then asked me if I'd been watching that BBC documentary and I replied I'd been watching them on iplayer, he then pulled out a notepad with all these notes about children's was rather odd, and I wish I'd been able to stay on the tube longer to talk to him.
I'm definitely going to go back again soon, this time be more prepared and find some other places to visit as well, but for a first experience it was good :)
Hello world!
4 years ago
wow! Kind of a weird story in itself! Did you get the person's email address?
I'm glad you went down and found it so inspirational!
I didn't! My stop came up and I was worried about missing it!
Wish I had now :)
normally people aren't so friendly on the tube!
O.o that sounds scary...I would have been like ' away from weirdo!' and then he'd have turned out to be a publisher or something...and I'd be the idiot o.o
It was more weird than scary! Scary is the tube, do not like >__>
I'm pretty sure its illegal to actually enjoy the tube >.>
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