Sunday, 29 June 2008

A rough watercolour illustration.

This is only a rough and I plan to make a version ten times better with a different composition. Using referencing from actual photographs. This was a little experiment using the technique under painting. I always struggle trying to get the same tones through the shading process giving a crapping uneven effect. This seems to be working better, but we'll see how well when I try in on a bigger scale with more object and detail.
I'll post more when I have more to show!.

Cheers G.

Special Interest Group (SIG) Blog

Hi People! First things first. If you are in my tutorial group, then you need to become an author as will be expected to contribute at least once a week, either posting details of your current progress, or things that inspire you, or information that you feel would benefit us all.

I have sent you all invitations so that you can post onto the blog!