Tuesday, 23 September 2008

When you come back!

I see you back on Tuesday the 30th of September!!!!! sorry not October 10:00 am sharp! Should be illustration studios, could be printroom.

When you come back! You need to bring in all of the work you have done over the break! You also need to bring in your statement of intent for the next 12 weeks before xmas - this is basically a written rough week by week plan. PLEASE HAVE THIS READY FOR ME TO LOOK AT!


naomi said...

I'm hoping you mean the 30th September?

Chiu said...

sorry!!! 30th September!!! hahahah!

Jess Watson said...

Yeh I'm an idiot...just looked at the sketchbook I brought with me...and its an old one x.x...so all my summer work is in goddamn hartlepool! So I can't show you work tommorrow Chiu :/ other than the stuff I have on my comp. I'll get my parents to post it or something but still...ARGH! I needed that to work from x.x!

Jess the forgetful idiot.