Thursday, 14 August 2008

What I've been doing...

I haven't vanished off the face of the planet! And I have been doing work...admittedly I've been abit lacks with it but I'm getting in the swing of actually getting things done now.

Firstly just a few random drawings inspired by what I was watching (appologies for the shoddy copies, I took them on my camera since my scanner isn't set up).

Inspired by Cloverfield.Inspired by War of the Worlds (whats with all the alien films I've been watching o.O?)

Then I've also been working on a story about a young girl (who likes to paint) who goes to live with her auntie in France. She's made to live in the garage and protect the grain thats kept there from mice...but then she makes friends with the mice etc etc...Its just a stupid idea I've been playing with so I could practice a different medium, in this case paint XP

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